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More Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms
Australopithecus Ate Like an Ape
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Secular scientists are continually trying to humanize ape fossils in an attempt to bridge the wide...
A Four-Legged Snake?
In 2021, paleontologist Michael Caldwell of the University of Alberta in Canada stated, “There are many evolutionary questions that could be answered...
A ''40 million year old'' 100% European Gnat
Finding well-preserved creatures in amber1 is a landfall for creation scientists, much like the numerous discoveries of soft dinosaur tissue...
More God's Design Is an Engineering Wonder
A Shocking Case for Creation
Scientific investigation and research continue to reveal the Hand of the Creator. In this case, it is the remarkable electric fish (ray-finned fish, or...
Seed Water Sensor Confirms CET Design Model
The sprouting of a seed is crucial to not only the beginning of a plant’s life, but all life on earth. Despite this fundamental process of importance...
After 30 Years, Red Kites Soar in British Skies
Good news is always welcome. So, it’s good to learn of another conservation comeback. This time it’s the red kite happily soaring in Great...
More Evolution
Leaf and Stick Insect Variation
The phylum Arthropoda suddenly appears in the fossil record in a most un-Darwinian way.1 The largest group within the arthropods is the class...
Nitrogen Networks Negate Naturalism
The element nitrogen is critical in the living world. It is a basic building block of structural and regulatory proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll...
The Jaw Drops an Evolutionary Explanation
The lepidosaurs are a large and diverse group of land vertebrates that include the snakes and lizards. There are almost 12,000 species of these animals....
More Creation Science Update
Marine Invertebrate Antibiotic
Erythromycin is an antibiotic that has been prescribed to many of us that may have experienced skin or upper respiratory tract infections. It was discovered...
Butterflies Can Remember
Gone are the days when many people (biologists included) saw insects as simple creatures that did little more than reproduce, eat, and grow—with...
Parasites Actively Adapt to their Environments
Although we see much beauty in God’s creation, we cannot help but see Earth as a perfect world gone wrong. Conditions such as cancer, COVID, and...
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